
Is your 部门 thinking about jumping into social media to better connect with 你的学生? Are you already rocking 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram and Snapchat? Regardless of whether you’re a social media expert, or starting out for the first time, these guidelines and best practices were created with you in mind!

在社交媒体上发表文章并与人们互动,也有类似的义务 they would if you were working with traditional media. 这些社交媒体指南 have been designed for 365彩票在线过滤’s various divisions and 部门s develop 他们的社交媒体形象.  These recommendations apply only as far as Tech employees identify themselves as employees of the university, or are using university social 媒体报道.


Does Social Media support the conversation you want to have with your audience

Does my audience regularly engage in social media?

Does my organization have enough content to keep users engaged on a regular basis?



你在为谁创造内容? 当前的学生? 最近的校友? 这要视情况而定 这取决于你所在的部门.

然后,您的受众将帮助确定您想要创建的内容类型和 share with them, and how you want to engage with them.

例如,学生活动,菲德尔学生中心和学生会 帐户将创建当前学生更感兴趣的内容,进步 和校友关系可能会创造内容,并与他们的观众更多地接触 就像一个“大学朋友”.”

You need to think like a member of your audience - why do they like Tech? 如果他们 are an alum, what were some of their fond memories of Tech and Socorro? 什么样 他们感兴趣的信息,以及他们想如何参与 你的社交媒体账户(如果有的话)?



在任何社交媒体平台上首次创建帐户时,您将需要以下内容 information anyway, so it is best to have this available ahead of time:

If you’re running a 365彩票在线过滤 Social Media Account, you need to be using NMT的官方深蓝色和铁锈!


谁是你的听众?? Once you answer this question you’ll be able to create the content 这样才能与他们建立最好的联系.

是学生吗?? 教职员工? 校友? 每个观众想要一个不同的故事 大学生们想知道校园里发生了什么,怎么做的故事 about enjoying campus life, tips to improve their grades; alumni want to hear positive 关于他们母校的故事,这些故事会提升他们的自豪感,甚至可能会想要 鼓励他们捐款.

You want to create content that your fans will want to share with their fans.
如果你没有时间或资源去创造受众会觉得有用的内容, 你需要问问你的部门是否需要在社交媒体上,或者是否需要一个静态的网站 会更符合你的需求吗.


Remember when you are posting on official NMT social 媒体报道, your content 和参与反映了研究所.


你想让你的听众有机会与大学建立联系,并帮助发展大学的文化 品牌与标识.

总是寻找机会与你的受众/潜在受众进行对话. We need to meet with our audiences where they are, interest-wise. 什么是流行文化 你可以利用正在发生的事件来让你的听众对你的演讲感兴趣 部门?

你的账户需要有一些个性,人们想知道 is someone running these accounts, and not just an automated RSS feed.


关注你的用户想要什么,你想成为一个有价值的信息来源 对他们来说,也是引人入胜的.

你正在与你的用户建立一个社交社区,当你想提供 向你的听众传达信息,记住——这是讨论,不是大喊大叫.



Insider Information - You need to serve as a connection between your audience and 他们不能很快找到的信息.

参与和分享——像学生一样思考. 回答问题并提供内容 人们真正想知道的.



If you are seeking to build community or communicate with a finite cohort, such as a “Class of 2020”, then consider making a 脸谱网 集团. 如果你正在创建一个脸谱网 在大学课程中,你可能想要考虑一个私人或隐藏的脸谱网 集团.

对于您希望增加和/或无限期存在的大型存在,例如 a 部门, school, or college, a 脸谱网 Page is probably the better option. 页面 are an excellent way to connect with the Tech Community. 话虽如此,他们是 也是大学的一个非常明显的代表,应该只有在创建之后 仔细的计划和考虑.


同样,你也不应该只让一个人负责 对于一个大学单位的电子邮件帐户或网站,你不应该只有一个人 be an administrator for your unit's 脸谱网 Page. 我们建议不少于 两名受信任的个人被列为页面管理员,不包括新墨西哥 数字媒体经理.

Having more than one administrator ensures that you will still maintain access to 如果你的管理员从你的单位分离,你的页面,毕业生,有一个 突发事件等.


Who will be primarily responsible for posting new content?

Who will be primarily responsible for monitoring activity on the 集团/Page?

What policies will need to be in place to responsibly manage the page? (见免责声明 (参阅更多详情)


Will student employees be given administrator access to this Page/集团?


推特是一个微博社交网络. 不像脸谱网,它允许你成长 并通过“朋友联系”来接触你的受众,推特是一个面向外部的平台 网络. 推特鼓励你与那些你没有联系或关注的人互动, 基于你的兴趣,或者共同的联系.

与人交谈的能力是社交媒体的重要组成部分. 推特让你有机会与世界各地的人谈论任何事情 you find interesting, or just update your friends and family with what's going on. 推特 has also become the "backchannel" for discussion about events in the news.

Retweeting (RT) is a way for others to share your messages via 推特. 如果你限制 your Tweet length to 200-240 characters if possible, to make it easier for people 转发你的内容.

一致性是使用推特的关键——你需要为tweet的数量设定一个目标 you want to make per day and work to reach that goal over time. 你也不想 只是重复你在脸谱网上分享的信息,这是两种不同的 社交媒体受众.

直接消息:您可以使用直接消息传递系统(DM)直接响应这些消息 谁在推特上关注你. You can address criticisms or other negative comments 如有必要,直接.


不时地,你的观众会发布内容或评论,你或会员 你的部门,会觉得有问题. 制定应对这些问题的计划 在情况出现之前,你可以做出明智的、战略性的反应 而不是轻率的.

Do not delete/ignore negative comments just because they are negative. 你应该 迅速采取行动解决批评,并联系相关人员查看 你能帮我解决这个问题吗.


脸谱网等网站上的反馈只有在违反规定的情况下才应该被删除或移除 NMT页面策略或您所在部门自己的页面策略(参见下面的详细信息) 建立页面策略). Unless the comment or post is a violation of these policies, you should attempt to resolve the issue without censoring your page. 在很多情况下, 充分利用的页面往往会培养忠诚的用户,他们会支持或回应 为你的批评干杯. In other cases, negative posts allow you to respond publicly, thus turning a negative situation into a positive one.

Example of a negative post worthy of a public response:

莎莉:“我今天刚看了《365彩票在线过滤》,真不敢相信你们部门裁员了 你的服务时间! Aren’t you here to HELP students instead of making their lives 更加困难?!”

部门回应:“你好,莎莉! 谢谢你的反馈. 我们很感激你 足够关心我们的服务来评论今天的文章关于的变化 我们部门的工作时间. Budget cuts have indeed reduced our traditional service hours, 然而,我们现在可以帮助你在任何地方,任何时间通过脸谱网,我们的 网站...”

Example of a negative post worth of a private response:

Ted: “I just got my financial aid award letter and found out that I won’t be able 付不起这学期的学费! 谢谢你这么贵!”

部门回应:“嗨,泰德. 我们很遗憾听到你的情况. 请寄给 给我们发一条私人FB消息,或者打电话835-XXXX讨论你的情况,看看是否可以 我们可以做些什么来帮助你.”

What types of comments should be outright deleted?

这是只有你才能做的决定. 一般来说,那些冒犯性的帖子(包括, but not limited to, racist, sexist, homophobic or anti-Semitic statements) should 被删除. If you delete a post by a user, you should consider sending him/her a 私人信息,详细说明了帖子被删除的原因以及他们如何适当地删除 address concerns (aka have an educational moment with him/her).

所有NMT官方社交媒体账户保留删除内容的权利 被认为是不合适的. Please contact NMT's 市场推广及传播 Office if you need help addressing questionable content.


随着你在使用社交媒体方面的技能、知识和能力的发展,你会的 find that you become increasingly resourceful to others on campus. 请考虑 being part of the dialog surrounding the evolving world of social media.

如果你对为你的部门设置社交媒体账户有其他问题, or addressing any other social media concerns, please contact NMT’s Marketing and 通信办公室.